
Introduction to Geomorphology

Geomorphology: Is the study of landscape. It includes the systematic description of landforms, the analysis of processes that form them, and it helps to understand the functions of landforms.

Difference between landscape and landform: The difference is that a landscape is  a  terrain made up by numerous landforms, and a landform is an individual feature of Earth.

Extragenic Processes: They are produced by outer space impacts.
Example: Meteors.

Endogenic Processes: Produced by internal forces of Earth.
 Example: Volcanism.

Exogenic Processes: They are produced by external forces of the planet.
Example:  Weathering/ Erosion.

Example of Landforms: Volcanoes, canyons, capes,
coats, delta, desert, island, lakes, peninsulas, planes, plateau.

Sources used to write the post:

Bustos, J.(2011). Social Studies Seventh Grade Study Guides. Costa Rica.

Landscape Planet(2006). An Intriduction to Hardscapes. Consultado en: Junio,           
                   2011 en
